About Us

SubTropical Exotics is a Private Nursery built on years of collecting and growing rare Aroids and other subTropical Species.​

Committed to an innovative approach, we grow and develop Aroids in a revolutionary environment with mass planting of Aroids growing to maturity as climbers, appressed hemi-epiphytic climbers, epiphytes, in the Araceae Cloud Forest in high humidity in premium grade CocoCoir Blend, and on the Living Wall of Aroids.

Araceae is part of our ongoing Education Program. An informative Xperience with Aroids Workshops and Online Presentations.

Subtropical Exotics

Mass planting of Aroids growing to maturity as climbers, appressed hemi-epiphytic climbers, epiphytes, in the Araceae Cloud Forest in high humidity in premium grade CocoCoir Blend, and on the Living Wall of Aroids.


Araceae Cloud Forest in High Humidity

Araceae Cloud Forest & Living Wall of Aroids

Mass planting of maturing hemi-epiphytic climbers, appressed climbers, and epiphytic Aroids growing on the Living Wall of Aroids in hogh humidity.